What you will learn:

By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to:

  • Recognize the key actions you need to take to build your email list, so you can leverage one of the most powerful assets of any business

  • Set realistic goals for your list-building activities, so you can make steady progress towards your objective of having a targeted list

  • Describe the ideal customer you want on your email list, so that you’ll be able to create the most relevant and valuable content to engage subscribers

  • Describe the journey you want your clients and customers to take once they have signed up with you, so that you have clear objectives about how you will nurture your relationship with subscribers … and generate more business down the line

  • Motivate your ideal customer to sign up for your list by offering a valuable gift that solves one of their challenges… and showcases your talent at the same time

  • Set up the critical systems you need for building your list, so that your list building can run on autopilot while you focus on other areas of your business

  • Write your first follow-up email sequence to keep your subscribers engaged and nurture your relationship with them, so that you build a community of people who will be interested in receiving offers of help from your business

  • Implement a variety of methods for attracting people to your email opt-in, so that you keep building your list consistently every month

  • Monitor the rising numbers on your list, so you can measure how effective your strategies are and where you need to adjust to attract additional subscribers

  • Analyze the metrics provided by your email marketing platform, so you can see what’s working and make changes to improve your list building

Course curriculum

    1. A Message From The Instructor

    2. How to use this course

    1. Introduction and Learning Objectives

    1. Module 1 - Start With The Essentials

    1. Module 2 - Define Your Target Audience

    1. Module 3 - Plot Your Customer's Journey

    1. Module 4 - Create An Enticing Lead Magnet

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content