What Will Students Learn?

By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to:

  • Assess your own entrepreneurial capabilities
  • Outline and evaluate a business and product idea
  • Identify your target market and customers
  • Develop their value proposition
  • Understand different types of business ownership and structures
  • Evaluate franchising and business purchasing opportunities
  • Create key business planning documents
  • Create financial projections for your business and learn how to gather funding
  • Create a marketing plan, & sales strategy
  • Identify ways to protect their your intellectual property
  • Describe effective ways to brand your product
  • Launch and grow your business
  • Demonstrate the behaviors of an entrepreneurial leader
  • Find appropriate resources to help you on your journey

How To Start A Business Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction to Instructor

    2. Learning Objectives - Pre-Assignment - Pre-Test

    3. Learning Objectives

    4. Assignment - Learning Objectives

    5. Pre- Assignment

    6. Pre-Test - Let's see how much you already know:

    1. Module I - What It Takes to Make It

    2. Traits of an Entrepreneur

    3. Resources to Consider

    4. Assignment - Additional Resources to Consider

    1. Finding Business Ideas - Consider The Options

    2. Assignment - Finding Business Ideas - Four Stage Idea Development

    3. Outlining Your Ideas

    4. Assignment - Outlining Your Ideas

    5. Assessing Your Ideas

    6. Assignment - Assessing Your Ideas - SWOT Analysis

    7. Evaluating Your Capacity for risk

    1. Developing Your Product Idea

    2. Making Connections

    3. Assignment - Making Connections

    4. Identifying Your Target Market and Customer

    5. Assignment - Identifying Your Target Market and Customer

    6. Developing Your Value Proposition

    7. Assignment - Developing Your Value Proposition

    8. Creating Financial Projections

    1. Types of Business Ownership

    2. Purchasing a Franchise

    3. Assignment - Purchasing A Franchise

    4. Purchasing an Existing Business

    1. Business Plan and Executive Summary

    2. Pitch Deck

    3. Assignment - Creating Your Pitch Deck

    4. 30 Second Pitch

    5. Assignment - 30 Second Pitch

    6. White Papers

About this course

  • Free
  • 57 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content