What Students Will Learn

Learning Objectives 

By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to: 

  • Get into an open and receptive mindset for a virtual assistant, so you can see the advantages for your business and be in the right frame of mind to proceed with recruitment 

  • Identify the tasks you can delegate to a virtual assistant and plan ahead for hiring, so you know exactly what you want them to do and when your business will benefit from the recruitment process 

  • Define the experience, qualifications, and personal qualities you need in a VA, so you are clear about the person you’re looking for and how they can best support you 

  • Plan how you will shortlist and assess potential candidates, so that you only move forward with those who are suitable and don’t waste time on those who aren’t 

  • Research sources of VAs and advertise for your ideal candidates, so your ad is in the right place to attract high-quality, motivated candidates  

  • Interview your VA candidates to ensure they have the experience and qualities you require and select the best fit 

  • Set up the systems and standards you want your VA to follow, so the work between you will run smoothly  

  • Design the onboarding and training activities for your new virtual assistant, so that they will feel welcomed from the start and learn the skills to become productive as quickly as possible 

  • Plan how you will delegate to your virtual assistant, so that they will be clear on what’s expected and you’ll be confident to hand tasks over 

  • Manage your VA effectively to ensure tasks get done as and when you want them 

  • Motivate your virtual assistant and develop their skills to build your relationship, so that your business will benefit in the long term 

  • Consolidate and implement your learning and plan future action steps, so you can achieve the goals you set for this course

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome - Hiring And Onboarding The Right Virtual Assistant

    1. Get Ready for Your Virtual Assistant

    2. Hiring the Right Virtual Assistant Action Guide

    1. Identify Your Virtual Assistant Tasks

    1. Find the Right VA Match for You

    1. Use Your Job Description to Create a Short List

    1. Find Your Virtual Assistant

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content