What You Will Learn:

By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to:

  • Explain what an autoresponder is and how it plays a role in automating parts of your marketing, so your time is freed up to focus on other parts of your business

  • Define your goals for an autoresponder series so that you can track it’s success by using key statistics

  • Write your own autoresponder email series, consisting of 5 to 7 emails that promote one of your products or services, so you can increase your sales within days of getting new subscribers to your list

  • Identify the key components of high-converting email messages, so every word that you write contributes to the eventual conversion of readers to customers

  • Track the progress of your autoresponder series, so you can tweak your emails and get maximum conversions.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. A message from the instructor

    3. Action Guide and Resources

    1. Introduction To How To Write An Effective Autoresponder Series

    1. What Is An Autoresponder?

    1. Identify Your Goals For Your Autoresponder Series

    1. Essentials For An Autoresponder Series

    1. Module 4 Best Practices For Writing An Email Autoresponder Series

About this course

  • Free
  • 11 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Final Thoughts....

As you can see from the above objectives, one section of the course is dedicated to setting goals and measuring your progress. Why is this important? Because you can’t judge how well your emails are doing unless you track the data. Don’t worry, it won’t be over complicated, but it will give you some valuable information that in turn allows you to tweak your emails and see if you can get even better results.